Beat Burnout: How Ancient Chinese Secrets Can Recharge Your Life.

Alex Wu
2 min readMay 1, 2024


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What is Yin Deficiency? How to Resolve it?

Yin represents the energy that is responsible for moistening and cooling bodily functions. When this energy is depleted, your body shows signs of “heating up.” This is not true heat but rather a lack of the moistening and cooling functions necessary to maintain a healthy balance.

Foods to tonify Yin include:

Grains: Barley, millet

Vegetables: Alfalfa sprouts, artichoke, asparagus, kelp, mung bean sprouts, pea, potato, seaweed, string bean, sweet potato, tomato, water chestnut, yam, zucchini

Fruit: Apple, apricot, avocado, banana, lemon, lime, mango, mulberry, pear, persimmon, pineapple, pomegranate, watermelon

Beans: Adzui, black beans, black soya, kidney, lima, mung

Bean Products: Tofu

Nuts and seeds: Coconut milk, sesame seed, black sesame seed, walnut

Fish: Fish in general but especially clam, fresh after clam, crab, cuttlefish, oyster, octopus, sardine

Meat: Beef, duck, goose, pork, pork kidney, rabbit

Dairy: Cheese, chicken egg, cow milk, duck egg

Herbs and spices: Marjoram, nettle

Oils and condiments: Honey, malt

Common supplements: American ginseng, royal jelly

Foods are beneficial for tonifying kidney yin deficiency:

Vegetables: Alfalfa sprouts, asparagus, kelp, potato, seaweed, string bean, sweet potato, yam

Fruit: Lemon, lime, mulberry

Beans: Aduki, black bean, black soybean, kidney bean

Nuts / seeds: Black sesame seed

Fish: Freshwater clam, oyster

Meat: Duck, pork kidney

Dairy: Chicken egg

Examples of everyday Western foods that can be used to build Yin include:

  • Fruit smoothies with honey and bananas or a fruit salad
  • Fish dishes with coconut milk,
  • Omelettes with cheese
  • Asparagus and egg salads with sesame seeds
  • Tacos made with Kidney beans and topped with a small amount of cheese
  • Baked Potato stuffed with tofu with soy sauce and sesame seeds
  • Pork and apple dishes
  • Miso soup with tofu and seaweed

Foods to avoid:

It is important to ensure that stimulating foods are not being consumed, as these will only further deplete Yin. Caffeine, alcohol, sugar, and strong heating / pungent spices all belong in this category.


If consumed in large amounts, yin-building foods like yin-toning herbs tend to contest the spleen and promote stagnation. Therefore, it is important to consume small quantities frequently rather than large helpings irregularly.

Compiled by Debra Betts, author of “The Essential Guide to Acupuncture in Pregnancy and Childbirth” © 2006 Website:

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